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2015-1-29 22:44| 发布者: 新闻1202班张浩| 查看: 753| 评论: 1

摘要: Hello,everyone。Welcome to Longxin News,I am hostress Lang Jingyao 一组(姬亚亚) 【标题】Pulitzer Prize Expands Eligibility To Include Online, Print Magazines 【记者】刘艺 【导语】Now let's look at ...

HelloeveryoneWelcome to Longxin News,I am hostress Lang Jingyao


【标题】Pulitzer Prize Expands Eligibility To Include Online, Print Magazines


【导语】Now let's look at an international news :Accordingto the huffington post, Pulitzer prize selection committee announced that the content of the online and paper magazines will   enter  the  Pulitzer  prize   for feature articles and investigative reporting prize awards categories.

【正文】In the past, was  considered  a  magazine publications, both print and digital, will not be allowed to compete for any item of the Pulitzer prize. However, with more and more Americans getting daily news by digital media,  and more  and more paper magazines started to  build their own websites, the old rules were questionable.

 "News of the Pulitzer my goal is to enterprise's development and progress," the Pulitzer prize-winning Mike Pride  said in  a  speech, " he  assumed that  the  future  of  the journalists will change the Pulitzer prize’s selection schemes because of  public benefit, necessity and the changes of the times. Now more and more online and paper  magazines have expanded their..mission.It's time to expand the  coverage of the Pulitzer prize.


 At present,the website news dissemination organization operation is still unable to participate in the Pulitzer prize, and Pulitzer  prize mostly focuses on  written  news   ,  even  so, the selection  committee  acknowledged  that  network  media have created ways that are new, compelling  and  convenient for reporters to combinate words and  the  multimedia content.


"In order to keep the carrier of the words’ tradition of Pulitzer prize , the  selection  committee will continue to text of lasting value and serious reports  for selection  key." The same report said,  "at the same time, we have  no doubt that the Internet  media created by the text,the combination of music and visual elements information transmission, analysis, and the value of storytelling.

【结语】 We will continue to report more news about the reform of the Pulitzer prize.Welcome to your attention



【标题】copy and paste is the great invention of the Internet?

【记者】Wen Ke

【导语】Recently there is a hot topic: "copy and paste is the great invention of the Internet " , this topic caused a lot of copyright disputes and the dispute has not been completely calm, Now. The people called copy and paste are busy copying someone's article. However .they don't indicate the source, they take it for granted that the article is belong to themselves.  in the end. A copy of  the article is published  in  their  micro  letter public platform

【正文】When the topic  has not completely calm yet, the people called copy and paste again are busy copying other 's article in micro letter public platform for . With copying and pasting directly, ignoring the original author, appearing on his micro letter.  But, As the original author, they want to maintain their rights   it is very difficult. First As The micro letter  public platform's managers  they do not play the role of supervision , the second the prosecution program is so complex that  the original author does not maintain their power Third  if  someone was found to copy other's article. He was just received a low punishment. Then ,the new media want to achieve the sustainable development. It required to strengthen their the supervision and reform the regulatory regimes. Meanwhile increasing the punishment in the low.  only in these ways .the new media develop actively


LeadSeveral features of news reports, the most important is the authenticity of the news. Today, many media have to find their own gimmick, written process is not precise enough, the editorial department to verify the authenticity of the mechanism of defective elements news, false news before the "fall."

TextDecember 14 the United States, "New York Magazine" magazine published on American teenager as "Warren" message. The message was friends with several leading US media outlets in a short time caused a sensation. But a day later, on the initiative of juvenile admitted this is his fabricated story, forcing the "New York Magazine" weekly public apology. Back in 2007, creating a sensation of "wrap sub-events" makes the news was reported by the Beijing TV channel is greatly affected negatively, and afterwards to apologize to no avail. In recent years, users have even the Top Ten of false news, false news of flooding can be imagined. Negative media treatment of false news or ignored, or select an apology, though, after a public apology to make people see the media's attitude, but the impact caused by the fake news does not end with an apology, it will give the media image, resulting in a lot of media credibility negative impact.


【标题】Columbia University opened a new project.

【记者】Zhang Qi

【导语】Data and algorithm is changing the various industries, to shape our lives. Now, a story may be the up to data.

【正文】According to recodeColumbia University opened a project master's degree in journalism called Lede. Complete it and the student will get a data journalism degree. This is a bold attempt in the field of journalism teaching. Journalists will learn how to make program and how to deal with the data chart and so on To participate in the project.The goal is to make students for ready to carry out the Numbers driven media business in the future. The United States has been the media before, such as: FiveThirtyEight, the Upshot.

In the process of bold attempt, Columbia University journalism professor Hansen and Jonathan Soma worry about that they think the current mainstream media may not know the value of these students. However, they have confident with the the trend of data change the news.



【标题】CCTV reporter blows on the sino-american aviation signing ceremony

【正文】Shortly before the grand hyatt hotel in Beijing a sino-american aviation cooperation signing ceremony, the two sides of high-level also celebrate each other in holding the glass; Side two television reporters have to play. The top in China and the United States witnessed on site. It's interesting to play, only when the two sides together to mediate found are CCTV, one is 2 sets, a set of 4.


【标题】Bai Yansong: Don't try to CCTV to find a good job

【正文】CCTV famous mouth bai yansong to xiamen on December 20, speech, managed to communicate with readers, in the afternoon and signing representative works, in the evening for xiamen university EMBA in xiamen university made a lecture encourages people to spend time doing useless things.

The famous CCTV commentators also in the form of a joke, trying to dissuade a college student want to learn the news: if you want to find a good job and want to go to China mobile, sinopec, petrochina, don't go to the central television station, we have ten years didn't get a raise, but also in the fall, and then always scolded by others.



【标题】North Korea denies Sony hack but warns U.S.: Worse is coming

【记者】张乐 郎静瑶

【导语】 Now, the relationship between the countries are increasingly able to attract people attention

Voiceover: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio faced the biggest crisis of his political career on Sunday after a gunman killed two police officers in an attack intended to avenge recent police killings of unarmed black men in the United States.

【正文】New York police officers turned their backs on de Blasio in protest during a news conference and their union said the mayor had blood on his hands after Saturday's shooting. Police investigators have said the killings were the work of a 28-year-old black man with a long arrest record who may have had past mental troubles and who warned of his intentions on social media.

【结语】 Everyone should do their own thing, the society will become better.

【结语】Thanks for your watching,see you next time,                                                 







引用 admin 2015-2-4 14:55


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