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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-7 15:54:54 | 显示全部楼层
@杨溟【媒体实战研修2】著名调查记者莉•汤普逊曾获美多个重要新闻奖项。逾35年首席记者和制作人经验。任职于美国全国广播公司及旗下电视台。主持《莉•汤普逊的摘要》、《谨慎的建议者》等,负责WRC-TV的《调查者》节目等。写作大量博客、专栏和互动视频报告。在调查性记者与编辑组织担任执委会委员多年。 轉發(4) | 評論(1) 8月2日07:24 來自新浪微博
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-10 12:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
@清华史安斌美国新闻与大众传播教育协会(AEJ)本周在芝加哥举行年会,争论的主题仍然是新闻传播教育中的”学“与”术“的关系,教授资质的问题,用“医学院”模式改造现有的新闻学院是共识,但AEJ主席Linda Steiner呼吁不能忽视新闻传播学博士课程,应招收更多有从业经验的博士生提升该品质http://t.cn/zWlA6Rw 轉發(2) | 評論 16分鐘前 來自新浪微博 How far should journalism education reform go?Tweet

Aug. 7, 2012, 9:17 a.m., Posted by Eric Newton – 1 Comment

A new proposed degree structure for journalism education
This week, journalism educators meet in Chicago. I hope they think about how far reform should go to catch up with digital age realities and how funders see their progress so far.
We’ve been talking about defining “better” universities not as the biggest but as those able to do certain things better than most. Things like treating top professionals and scholars equally. Or whether they are part of these transformational trends: 1. connect with the whole university, 2. innovate using digital tools and techniques, 3. teach open collaborative methods and, 4. through the “teaching hospital” method, become or increase their role as content providers who not only inform but engage communities.
To say journalism education reform is controversial would be an understatement. Bob Stepno, assistant professor at Radford University in Virginia, kept track of the debate this summer by reposting the “Newspaper & Online News Division” listserv. He says comments amounted to more than 600 pages of text, the largest discussion since 2008, when educators argued about adding “and online” to the listserv name. Poynter’s Howard Finberg, who presented an excellent speech of his own this summer on the future of journalism education, summed things up. Jeff Jarvis jumped in from CUNY, where they have the nation’s first entrepreneurial journalism degree.
Here’s a slice of the discussion:
In favor of more top professionals in journalism academia:
“If you accept that professional practice is essential for journalism professors, which I do, we still have a huge problem. There simply aren’t many people with deep experience in the new world order of journalism. We need instructors who can teach our students how to multi-task, freelance, nurture and harvest social media and hustle, hustle, hustle.” -Kelly Toughill, associate professor, University of King’s College, Halifax, Canada
Standing up for the research PhD:
“It’s worth adding that many Ph.D.-holding journalism researchers started out as journalists. This is ignored in complaints such as that of the Knight Foundation’s Eric Newton about “the slow rate of change in journalism education, including how exceptional professionals (without advanced degrees) are being treated …” He is correct that degrees are not more important than competence. But the Ph.D. should not be regarded as “disabling,” as if people who spend five or six years to earn a Ph.D. and launch a research trajectory suddenly forget everything they learned while in the newsroom, and become, as professionals suggest, uniformly unable to teach professional courses, serve as deans, apply accreditation standards – only able to write “unreadable articles for journals no one quotes, achieving nothing.” -Linda Steiner, professor and director of research and doctoral studies, University of Maryland, 93rd President of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, in her posted response.
Other voices:
“Does anyone read the scholarship in our fields? Promotion-and-tenure committees should measure impact, through citation analysis or other reliable methods.” -Jerry Ceppos, dean of the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University, in his blog
“At the School of Journalism, some faculty members have Ph.D. degrees in traditional academic disciplines and their work can be judged by the university’s usual standards. More, however, are outstanding journalists. The university has made the judgment that published journalism of the highest quality can qualify a professor for tenure in journalism.” -Tenure standards, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University
“One reality is that many of the faculty I’ve worked with – Ph.D. or no – in fact can be both researcher and professional.” -Deborah Gump, most recently John Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies at Middle Tennessee State University
“The faculty and degree proposals are precisely the kind of straightforward talk needed to catalyze important discussion.” -Tim McGuire, Frank Russell Chair of Journalism, Arizona State University
“I think that the digital revolution is pretty much collapsing the borders between academia and the rest of the world and that this could be a really exciting thing, if we prepare for it.” -Timothy Francisco, professor, Youngstown State University, Ohio
Stories about the open letter for journalism reform have appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Boulder Colorado Daily Camera, and elsewhere.
By Eric Newton, senior adviser to the president at Knight Foundation


 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-10 16:58:36 | 显示全部楼层
社科院姜飞//@王有涛: 转 //@唐太重:谢谢史安斌老师。请同学们收藏。 //@唐润华: 这个有点意思。MARK!
@清华史安斌博客和社交媒体可以促进新闻学界与业界之间的交流,解决新闻学研究与新闻实践相互脱节的问题,美国新闻与大众传播教育协会新近推出“你可使用的研究成果”(Research you can use)网页,将新闻传播学者的研究成果用博客和微博的形式向业界推荐,提供相关论文的全文下载http://t.cn/zWlUIIa 轉發(36) | 評論(3) 今天14:12 來自新浪微博
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Research You Can Use

Research You Can Use highlights new research from AEJMC refereed journals that may interest journalists and others for use in continuing education. A PDF version of all participating articles are available for download. For a reprint, contact the person cited or Jennifer McGill, Executive Director, AEJMC, 234 Outlet Pointe Blvd., Ste. A, Columbia, SC 29210-5667, e-mail: AEJMCHQ@aol.com, telephone: (803) 798-0271.
Journal of Advertising Education
The Journal of Advertising Education is devoted to research and commentary on instruction, curriculum and leadership in advertising education.

Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs
Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs presents in-depth research on specific topics within journalism and mass communicationon subjects ranging from journalism history and personalities to international mass communication.

Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Public Relations Research provides scholarly criticism of public relations practice, and helps to develop the history, ethics, and philosophy of public relations.

Newspaper Research Journal
Newspaper Research Journal comprehensively answers questions about U.S. newspaper performance and related topics of interest, ranging from balance and fairness to the use of computer analysis in newspaper reporting.

Journal of Communication Inquiry
The Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) focuses on research that examines media and communication from a critical, cultural, and historical perspective.

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator focuses on learning and teaching, curriculum, educational leadership, and related exploration of higher education within a context of journalism and mass communication.

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly focuses on research in journalism and mass communication, developments in theory and methodology of communication, international communication, journalism history, and social and legal problems.

Mass Communication and Society
Mass Communication and Society publishes articles from a wide variety of perspectives and approaches that advance mass communication theory, especially at the societal or macrosocial level.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 11:10:32 | 显示全部楼层
文章作者:新闻学院  发布时间:2012-08-24  浏览次数:


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《致新闻学院2012级新同学的紧急通知 》http://t.cn/zWnCnjh,当时咱没这待遇。。。@爱小灵 @kiwi-karen @QIQI_优哉游哉 @凯丽姐雷萌哥走后没人陪的萌阿姨 @wengoneone @徐小可同学
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張小英Sakura:我也觉得顺序反了,大一在白鼠复旦学院一片迷茫,,完全不知道选些什么课,一门专业课都没有,没有专业归属感,到了大二大三,有点感觉了,却满是专业课,全部扑在新闻学上面,视野非常局限呢。 (2分鐘前)
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何廷卫:又红又专?//@程士安: 这是2012年复旦大学本科教学在新闻学院的改革试点:2+2模式。//@SolaTrader: 综合性学科综合培养是对的,但是顺序反了,应该先新传,建立学科认知之后再加载辅助技能@程士安 (37分鐘前)
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旮旯旭旭:研究生有什么改革吗?//@程士安:这一重大改革具有挑战性,但是对广告学的价值和意义,你懂的!我会全力跟进! //@圆圆Annie: 重大改变,静观效果 //@程士安:以新闻传播学进入复旦,2年后再选择专业。//@王钢_dorf: 那报志愿的时候就没专业一说了吧//@程士安:这是2012年复旦大学本科教学在 (今天 09:52)
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小狐狸同志:是我一定强烈建议选电子信息科学与技术= = (今天 09:51)
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程士安:希望同学们永远记住自己是“复旦人”。@马小阳SunnyDay: 太先进了!只是后两年才分专业会不会让学生对自己的专业太没有归属感?//@程士安:以新闻传播学进入复旦,2年后再选择专业。@王钢_dorf: 那报志愿的时候就没专业一说了吧//@程士安:这是2012年复旦大学本科教学在新闻学院的改革试点:2+2模式。 (今天 09:43)
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程士安:比如广告学,今年新生是改革的第一届,我们会慎重行事,努力协调、切实落实后两年的教学内容,培养符合信息技术发展、媒体变革的营销传播专业人才。//@大水饺 @康崔氏 @程士安:以新闻传播学进入复旦,2年后再选择专业。@王钢_dorf @程士安:这是2012年复旦大学本科教学在新闻学院的改革试点:2+2模式。 (今天 09:41)
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程士安:这是2012年复旦大学本科教学在新闻学院的改革试点:2+2模式。//@SolaTrader: 综合性学科综合培养是对的,但是顺序反了,应该先新传,建立学科认知之后再加载辅助技能@程士安 //@戴维徳: 太扯了,你们觉得呢@曹小溪同学 @潇潇冬宇 @高宁爱谁谁 @SJ还是要做警察 @SherrySherryBoomBoom @蔡小Du (今天 09:21)
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一代名豆:电子信息技术方向是闹哪样.. //@摆烂小姐: 个人认为并不适用新院所有专业 反而可能失去一些传统优势//@AnitaXu:是一次我羡慕的尝试,不管结果如何。可以的话希望可以有公共卫生的方向。 (今天 00:51)
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艾立咖:毕业后解释特麻烦。如新闻(经济方向)和主修新闻/经济是两个概念,对professional world没影响,对academia有挺大区别的。关键问题是学院课程改革和学校专业承认的对接、及资源配置问题。新闻经济方向像是新闻/经济双专业尴尬的小徒弟哎@安静_flora @朱朱小雯儿 @盛立宇 @眼睛睁一只 @达伦迟 @烤鱼君 (今天 00:12)
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曾明辉:想了想其实选啥都一样的,性格决定命运 (8月26日 23:13)
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炯翔:第一、第二学年,学生可在经济学方向、社会学方向、汉语言文学方向、电子信息科学与技术方向中任选一个方向,并按上述4个方向的教学计划进行学习;第二阶段暨第三、第四学年,按照新闻传播学各专业的培养方案学习。 (8月26日 22:10)
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徐小可同学:果真是进步了 (8月26日 20:28)
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kiwi-karen:生不逢时! (8月26日 20:16)
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凯丽姐雷萌哥走后没人陪的萌阿姨:咱是唯一一届被硬逼着上了宏经微经传播专业啊。。 (8月26日 20:16)
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wengoneone:说明学院在优化课程啊 是进步! (8月26日 20:12)
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谭天论道 @支支V //@尹鸿:6年前我们已按这种模式进行培养。甚至三年级以后也不人为划分专业,只是设计阶梯型专业课组,帮助学生形成专业取向。近几年,为增强学生的专业认同和解决通识课质量和结构不完善的缺陷,适当在低年级增加了专业基础课和实践性课程,让学生在学习实践过程中知道需要什么样的通识基础,
@唐润华【复旦大学改革新闻传播学本科教育】第一、二学年,学生可在经济学、社会学、汉语言文学、电子信息科学与技术方向中任选一个进行学习;第三学年起,学生再根据自愿、成绩等指标分流到新闻学、广播电视新闻学、广告学、传播学4个专业进行专业学习。http://weibo.com/1774806562/yyYLNdm4R @北大程曼丽 轉發(118) | 評論(18) 今天09:53 來自新浪微博
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 22:24:31 | 显示全部楼层
@澳洲水哥大英百科出版社1952年出版过一套西学经典 Great Books of the Western World。美国的博雅学院和呱呱读过的牛津PPE三四年本科生涯基本上就是全部时间读这些书。把这些书全部读完,保证你成为中国人中最了解西方的人之一。这些书的版权大多数已经过期,可以在网上免费下载。

轉發(19) | 評論(4) 3月7日00:20 來自新浪微博
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 22:26:36 | 显示全部楼层
@国际记者网#新闻采写#【BBC如何把双语记者训练成“超人”】在媒体预算遭遇大规模削减的时候,英国广播公司(BBC)开始培训其双语记者同时使用不同平台和语言进行工作。例如从三月开始,BBC的阿拉伯记者Rami Ruhayem将担任BBC驻伊拉克记者,为BBC的阿拉伯语和英语部门提供新闻报道。详见http://t.cn/zOceYgL

轉發(12) | 評論(4) 3月8日15:36 來自新浪微博
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 22:36:10 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-10 18:57:43 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 09:54:15 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:17:39 | 显示全部楼层
何镇飚传媒学院可以成为大小众传媒的坚强后盾。//@王君超: 这个肯定是下一步中国新闻学的发展方向。就像过去提出的“艺术为大众”的口号一样,新闻学也应当面向大众,研究/深化公民新闻,让新闻学走向更广阔的社会领域。
@唐润华【新闻学院向何处去?】纽约大学(CUNY)新闻学教授 Jeff Jarvis认为,除了向学生传授各种技能之外,新闻学院还应该做到(大意):不是自己包揽所有教学,而是与其他资源合作;教学面向更多的人,而不仅仅限于本校注册学生;与新闻机构一起为所在社区提供新闻;成为新闻实验室,为传媒业提供研发服务。

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