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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-16 23:51:15 | 只看该作者

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17分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉

发表于 2013-8-22 00:20:23 | 只看该作者



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8月21日22 : 13來自新浪微博

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发表于 2013-9-2 23:54:48 | 只看该作者

我们节目的实习生都聪明勤快礼貌踏实。其实关键是己所不欲勿施于人,谁都怕冷遇谁都想学东西,谁不是从实习生过来的。//@我不当拍卖师:我的关门徒弟@水仙大人 非常优秀滴//@夜之疯子:绝大部分都还不错~//@广州房地产律师李永快: 现在的毕业生差了很远!而且,特别心高气傲,还不会走就想飞

转一位媒体同行的短信:「我年年要受人请托,帮着安排大学生、研究生实习,我勒个去,就没见一个顺溜的,既不会人际交往,还没礼貌,知识面窄得要死,一些常识都不懂,手机倒是一个比一个用得好。」这样的实习生普遍吗? 这个评价公平吗?

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9月1日15 : 38來自iPhone客户端

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发表于 2013-9-9 13:00:21 | 只看该作者


我是"中国国家广播电影电视总局局长", 我已经将名字改为"国家新闻广播电影电视总局局长",请继续关注我哦~

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3月16日22 : 40來自新浪微博手机版

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18分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉

推荐!//@汤志耘: 唉,教师能力跟不上啊!教师不学习,而不是学生不学习,才是高校教育水平提高的主要障碍//@幸福嬉皮笑脸:@王天定 @汤志耘 //:新闻与大众传播专业正处在一个岔路口上——要么坐以待毙,要么在将我们的学生打造成为精通数字化、具有竞争力的新型员工的过程中发挥积极的作用。

【站在新闻学、数据科学和数字媒体的十字路口:新闻院校该如何为业界培养学生?】| @参差计划 哈佛尼曼实验室系列专题第9集:「新闻学教育应该怎样变革才能适应毕业生们即将步入的当下媒体环境?」全文阅读:http://t.cn/z8aEIRN

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9月8日18 : 30來自新浪微博

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18分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉


老师们看看。昨天给部分老师开会,我还在强调这个问题,我说作为新闻传播学的教师,对未来充满了恐慌! //@汤志耘:唉,教师能力跟不上啊!教师不学习,而不是学生不学习,才是高校教育水平提高的主要障碍

@参差计划 【站在新闻学、数据科学和数字媒体的十字路口:新闻院校该如何为业界培养学生?】| @参差计划 哈佛尼曼实验室系列专题第9集:「新闻学教育应该怎样变革才能适应毕业生们即将步入的当下媒体环境?」全文阅读:http://t.cn/z8aEIRN

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19分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉

//@王天定:我要学习。//@汤志耘: 唉,教师能力跟不上啊!教师不学习,而不是学生不学习,才是高校教育水平提高的主要障碍//@幸福嬉皮笑脸 @汤志耘 //:新闻与大众传播专业正处在一个岔路口上——要么坐以待毙,要么在将我们的学生打造成为精通数字化、具有竞争力的新型员工的过程中发挥积极的作用

@参差计划 【站在新闻学、数据科学和数字媒体的十字路口:新闻院校该如何为业界培养学生?】| @参差计划 哈佛尼曼实验室系列专题第9集:「新闻学教育应该怎样变革才能适应毕业生们即将步入的当下媒体环境?」全文阅读:http://t.cn/z8aEIRN

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25分鐘前 來自iPhone客户端 |  檢舉

我要学习。//@汤志耘: 唉,教师能力跟不上啊!教师不学习,而不是学生不学习,才是高校教育水平提高的主要障碍//@幸福嬉皮笑脸:@王天定 @汤志耘 //:新闻与大众传播专业正处在一个岔路口上——要么坐以待毙,要么在将我们的学生打造成为精通数字化、具有竞争力的新型员工的过程中发挥积极的作用。

@参差计划 【站在新闻学、数据科学和数字媒体的十字路口:新闻院校该如何为业界培养学生?】| @参差计划 哈佛尼曼实验室系列专题第9集:「新闻学教育应该怎样变革才能适应毕业生们即将步入的当下媒体环境?」全文阅读:http://t.cn/z8aEIRN

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29分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-4 12:58:23 | 只看该作者
//@初广志_传媒大学: //@密苏里新闻学院孙志刚: 这种业界的辛苦需要新闻与传播学院在教育学生时让他们有更多动手和实践的机会。



10月3日15 : 29來自新浪微博

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-10 09:40:30 | 只看该作者

偏见比无知更可怕 //@张鸿雁城市研究:现代社会需要复合型人才,需要跨界整合知识和资源,特别是大数据时代没有跨界能力只能被社会淘汰!西方学者罗素在近20个领域有建树被称为20世纪的智者!单一的知识容易产生伪科学和偏见。事实证明:偏见比无知离真理更远!


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10月9日23 : 30來自360浏览器超速版

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-16 20:30:07 | 只看该作者

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今天 11:06來自iPhone客户端

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-17 22:47:31 | 只看该作者



今天 15:31來自九个头条

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-18 17:07:36 | 只看该作者


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今天 11:33來自iPhone客户端

发表于 2013-10-20 11:08:08 | 只看该作者
【案例】What is Communication?

The discipline of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The discipline promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication.

is a diverse discipline which includes inquiry by social scientists, humanists, and critical and cultural studies scholars. A body of scholarship and theory, about all forms of human communication, is presented and explained in textbooks, electronic publications, and academic journals. In the journals, researchers report the results of studies that are the basis for an ever-expanding understanding of how we all communicate.

Transactional Model of Communication

The transactional model of communication is a graphic representation of the collaborative and ongoing message exchange between individuals, or an individual and a group of individuals, with the goal of understanding each other. A communicator encodes (e.g., puts thoughts into words and gestures), then transmits the message via a channel (e.g., speaking, email, text message) to the other communicator(s) who then decode the message (e.g., take the words and apply meaning to them). The message may encounter noise (e.g., any physical, psychological, or physiological distraction or interference), which could prevent the message from being received or fully understood as the sender intended. Click on the image to enlarge.

Areas within Communication

Areas of emphasis differ from one institution to another, but listed below are some of the most common areas of study:

Applied Communication -
The study of how communication theory, research, and/or best practices help inform knowledge and theory about communication for practical issues.
Communication Education -
The study of communication in the classroom and other pedagogical contexts.
Communication Theory
- The study of principles that account for the impact of communication in human social interaction.
Electronic Media -
The study of radio, television, media technology, and web design with streaming audio and video.
Health Communication -
The study of communication as it relates to health professionals and health education, including the study of provider-client interaction, as well as the diffusion of health information through public health campaigns.
International and Intercultural Communication -
The study of communication among individuals of different cultural backgrounds, including the study of similarities and differences across cultures.
Interpersonal Communication
- The study of communication behaviors in dyads (pairs) and their impact on personal relationships.
Language and Social Interaction
- The study of the structure of verbal and nonverbal behaviors occurring in social interaction.
Legal Communication -
The study of the role of communication as it relates to the legal system.
Mass Communication and Media Literacy -
The study of how mass forms of communication, such as print, radio and television disseminate information and influence society.
Mediation and Dispute Resolution -
The study of understanding, management, and resolution of conflict within intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup situations.
Organizational Communication -
The study of processes used to analyze communication needs of organizations and social interaction, including how to improve communication between supervisors and employees.
Performance Studies -
The study of components such as performer(s), text, audience, and context within the communication discipline.
Political Communication -
The study of the role that communication plays in political systems.
Public Address -
The study of speakers and speeches, including the historical and social context of platforms, campaigns, and movements.
Public Relations -
The study of the management of communication between an organization and its audiences.
Rhetorical Criticism -
The process of defining, classifying, analyzing, interpreting, and/or evaluating rhetorical artifacts.
Semiotics -
The use of verbal and nonverbal symbols and signs in human communication.
Small Group Communication -
The study of communication systems among three or more individuals who interact around a common purpose and who influence one another.
Speech Communication -
The study of the nature, processes, and effects of human symbolic interaction. While speech is the most obvious mode of communication, human symbolic interaction includes a variety of verbal and nonverbal codes.
Theatre and Drama -
The study and production of dramatic literature.
Visual Communication -
The study of visual data, such as architecture, photography, visual art, advertising, film, and television as it relates to communication.


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