1. 根据无国界医生组织的报告,2018年是针对记者的暴力和虐待状况最差的一年; 2. 全世界只有13%的人群生活在新闻自由的国家; 3. 新闻自由度越高的国家,腐败程度越低。
This year, World Press Freedom Day coincides with the opening of Beijing EXPO, whose theme is “Live Green Live Better”. 今年的世界新闻自由日正好赶上北京世界园艺博览会开幕。“绿色生活,美丽家园”是今年世园会的主题。
What more important subject for free media than the futureof our planet? 对于自由的新闻媒体来说,还有什么话题比我们所在地球的未来更重要呢?
Media freedom- and journalists – have a critical role toplay in raising awareness of the damage we have already done. 为了让公众知道我们人类(对这个地球)所带来的损害,媒体自由和记者起着关键作用。
…In stimulating debate and action to fix it 激励公众开展讨论和行动
…and in highlighting best practice and failures….. 突出成功的经验和失败的教训
It’s what Rachel Carson did with her book Silent Spring inthe 1950s- despite the opposition she faced from the chemical industry. 蕾切尔·卡森正是一个典范。尽管遭到来自化学业界的反对,她在20世纪50年代发表了《寂静的春天》一书。
It’s what Chai Jing did with her imaginative and brave film, Under the Dome, in 2015, which sparked debate in China and around the world. 柴静在2015年推出了勇敢、富有想象力的纪录片《穹顶之下》,在中国和世界范围引起了广泛讨论。
And it’s what Sir David Attenborough has been doing all his life- most recently at Davos and in his new series ‘Our Planet’. 大卫·爱登堡爵士毕生都在为之奋斗,包括最近参加达沃斯世界经济论坛和他的新作品《我们的星球》。
Their concerns are our concerns: the future of our planet. 他们的担忧正是我们的担忧:我们的星球的未来。
And on World Press Freedom Day I’m interested to hear about what stories and pieces of journalism you think have had an impact, and what you think makes good journalism.