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发表于 2018-7-12 11:07:51 | 显示全部楼层

Battling Fake Accounts, Twitter to Slash Millions of Followers

Twitter plans to start removing questionable accounts from users’ follower numbers on Thursday, reducing the total follower count on the platform by about 6 percent.CreditJeff Chiu/Associated Press
By Nicholas Confessore and Gabriel J.X. Dance
July 11, 2018

Twitter will begin removing tens of millions of suspicious accounts from users’ followers on Thursday, signaling a major new effort to restore trust on the popular but embattled platform.

The reform takes aim at a pervasive form of social media fraud. Many users have inflated their followers on Twitter or other services with automated or fake accounts, buying the appearance of social influence to bolster their political activism, business endeavors or entertainment careers.

Twitter’s decision will have an immediate impact: Beginning on Thursday, many users, including those who have bought fake followers and any others who are followed by suspicious accounts, will see their follower numbers fall. While Twitter declined to provide an exact number of affected users, the company said it would strip tens of millions of questionable accounts from users’ followers. The move would reduce the total combined follower count on Twitter by about 6 percent — a substantial drop.

An investigation by The New York Times in January demonstrated that just one small Florida company sold fake followers and other social media engagement to hundreds of thousands of users around the world, including politicians, models, actors and authors. The revelations prompted investigations in at least two states and calls in Congress for intervention by the Federal Trade Commission. In interviews this week, Twitter executives said that The Times’s reporting pushed them to look more closely at steps the company could take to clamp down on the market for fakes, which is fueled in part by the growing political and commercial value of a widely followed Twitter account.
Officials at Twitter acknowledged that easy access to fake followers, and the company’s slowness in responding to the problem, had devalued the influence accumulated by legitimate users, sowing suspicion around those who quickly attained a broad following.

“We don’t want to incentivize the purchase of followers and fake accounts to artificially inflate follower counts, because it’s not an accurate measure of someone’s influence on the platform or influence in the world,” said Del Harvey, Twitter’s vice president for trust and safety. “We think it’s a really important and meaningful metric, and we want people to have confidence that these are engaged users that are following other accounts.”

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The market for fakes was also hurting Twitter with advertisers, which increasingly rely on social media “influencers” — mini-celebrities who promote brands and products to their followers — to reach customers. In recent months, advertising and marketing firms have put pressure on Twitter, YouTube and other platforms to help ensure that influencers have the reach they claim. Last month, the consumer goods giant Unilever, which spends billions of dollars a year on advertising, announced that it would no longer pay influencers who purchased followers and would prioritize spending advertising dollars on platforms that took steps to stamp out fraud.

In an interview on Tuesday, Unilever’s chief marketing officer, Keith Weed, praised Twitter for its decision. “People will believe more and read more on Twitter if they know there is less bot activity and more human activity,” Mr. Weed said. “I would encourage and ask others to follow.”

For Twitter, the reform comes at a critical moment. Though it is a smaller company with far fewer users than Facebook or Google, Twitter has been sharply criticized for allowing abuse and hate speech to flourish on its platform. And along with other social networks, Twitter was a critical tool for Russian influence during the 2016 election, when tens of thousands of accounts were used to spread propaganda and disinformation. Those troubles dampened Twitter’s prospects for acquisition by a bigger firm, and the company, which went public in 2013, did not turn a profit until the final quarter of last year.

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In recent months, Twitter has taken a number of steps to improve what Ms. Harvey and other company officials call “healthy conversation” on the platform, including rooting out fake and automated accounts. Last month, Twitter announced that as of May, its systems were “locking” almost 10 million suspicious accounts per week, far more than last year, and removing more for violating anti-spam policies.

Twitter locks an account — blocking it from posting or interacting with other users — when the company suspects that it is automated spam, or that it has been compromised, usually by having its password hacked or leaked. Most spam accounts are quickly removed. But until now, even after Twitter privately identified an account as suspicious and locked it, that account would still be included among the legitimate followers of a user.

Most of the time, according to Twitter, the locked accounts are not included in the monthly active user count it reports to investors each quarter, a critical Wall Street metric for social media companies. But the locked accounts were nevertheless allowed to inflate the follower counts of a large swath of users.

That choice helped propel a large market in fake followers. Dozens of websites openly sell followers and engagement on Twitter, as well as on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms. The Times revealed that one company, Devumi, sold over 200 million Twitter followers, drawing on an estimated stock of at least 3.5 million automated accounts, each sold many times over.

Tens of thousands of automated accounts were created by stealing profile information from real users, including minors. One such victim, a teenager named Jessica Rychly, had her account information — including her profile photo, biographical information and location — copied and pasted onto a fake account that retweeted cryptocurrency advertisements and graphic pornography.

Twitter officials believe that the new policy will disrupt the marketplace for fake followers and curb abusive practices used to create fake accounts: Since suspicious accounts will now be stripped from users’ followers, the company hopes there will be less incentive to purchase fakes in the first place.

Twitter has also begun to permanently remove more suspicious accounts. After The Times’s investigation was published in January, Twitter removed over a million accounts from the followers of Devumi customers — accounts that the company said violated its spam policies.
The Washington Post reported last week that Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June.

Twitter estimates that as a result of Thursday’s changes, the average user will see his or her follower number drop by four — but that number would be much higher for some accounts.

“As part of our renewed focus on public healthy conversation, and certainly some of the information that The New York Times was able to provide in their story, we felt it was an important step to take,” Ms. Harvey said.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/ ... fake-followers.html



发表于 2018-7-20 09:17:14 | 显示全部楼层

Facebook to Remove Misinformation That Leads to Violence
A Rohingya Muslim woman at a displacement camp in Myanmar. Facebook has been accused of facilitating attacks on the Rohingya in the country by allowing anti-Muslim hate speech on its platform.CreditLauren Decicca/Getty Images

  • July 18, 2018
    • [url=][/url]

SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook, facing growing criticism for posts that have incited violence in some countries, said Wednesday that it would begin removing misinformation that could lead to people being physically harmed.
The policy expands Facebook’s rules about what type of false information it will remove, and is largely a response to episodes in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India in which rumors that spread on Facebook led to real-world attacks on ethnic minorities.
“We have identified that there is a type of misinformation that is shared in certain countries that can incite underlying tensions and lead to physical harm offline,” said Tessa Lyons, a Facebook product manager. “We have a broader responsibility to not just reduce that type of content but remove it.”
Facebook has been roundly criticized over the way its platform has been used to spread hate speech and false information that prompted violence. The company has struggled to balance its belief in free speech with those concerns, particularly in countries where access to the internet is relatively new and there are limited mainstream news sources to counter social media rumors.


In Myanmar, Facebook has been accused by United Nations investigators and human rights groups of facilitating violence against Rohingya Muslims, a minority ethnic group, by allowing anti-Muslim hate speech and false news.

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In Sri Lanka, riots broke out after false news pitted the country’s majority Buddhist community against Muslims. Near-identical social media rumors have also led to attacks in India and Mexico. In many cases, the rumors included no call for violence, but amplified underlying tensions.
The new rules apply to one of Facebook’s other big social media properties, Instagram, but not to WhatsApp, where false news has also circulated. In India, for example, false rumors spread through WhatsApp about child kidnappers have led to mob violence.


In an interview published Wednesday by the technology news site Recode, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, tried to explain how the company is trying to differentiate between offensive speech — the example he used was people who deny the Holocaust — and posts which promoted false information that could lead to physical harm.
“I think that there’s a terrible situation where there’s underlying sectarian violence and intention,” Mr. Zuckerberg told Recode’s Kara Swisher, who will become an opinion contributor with The New York Times later this summer. “It is clearly the responsibility of all of the players who were involved there.”
The social media company already has rules in place in which a direct threat of violence or hate speech is removed, but it has been hesitant to remove rumors that do not directly violate its content policies.
Under the new rules, Facebook said it would create partnerships with local civil society groups to identify misinformation for removal. The new rules are already being put in effect in Sri Lanka, and Ms. Lyons said the company hoped to soon introduce them in Myanmar, then expand elsewhere.
Mr. Zuckerberg’s example of Holocaust denial quickly created an online furor, and on Wednesday afternoon he clarified his comments in an email to Ms. Swisher. “I personally find Holocaust denial deeply offensive, and I absolutely didn’t intend to defend the intent of people who deny that,” he said.
He went on to outline Facebook’s current policies around misinformation. Posts that violate the company’s community standards, which ban hate speech, nudity and direct threats of violence, among other things, are immediately removed.
The company has started identifying posts that are categorized as false by independent fact checkers. Facebook will “downrank” those posts, effectively moving them down in each user’s News Feed so that they are not highly promoted across the platform.

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The company has also started adding information boxes under demonstrably false news stories, suggesting other sources of information for people to read.
But expanding the new rules to the United States and other countries where objectionable speech is still legally protected could prove tricky, as long as the company uses free speech laws as the guiding principles for how it polices content. Facebook also faces pressure from conservative groups that argue the company is unfairly targeting users with a conservative viewpoint.
When asked in an interview how Facebook defined misinformation that could lead to harm and should be removed versus that material it would simply downrank because it was objectionable, Ms. Lyons said, “There is not always a really clear line.”
“All of this is challenging — that is why we are iterating,” she said. “That is why we are taking serious feedback.”

Correction: July 18, 2018
An earlier version of this article misstated the Facebook social media platforms that are subject to new rules about misinformation. The rules apply to Instagram, but not WhatsApp.



发表于 2018-9-27 22:51:37 | 显示全部楼层

Twitter最近发布了一项新的审核政策,明令禁止在平台上发布非人化贬低言论。“您不可针对任何可识别群体中的任何成员发表非人化言论,以免该言论导致线下伤害。” 非人化指的是不把他人视为人类、诋毁他人不如人类的言论,比如将某一类人比作畜生或病毒,或以生殖器官贬低对方等。
发表于 2019-2-14 17:27:25 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2019-2-14 20:49:49 | 显示全部楼层








方舟子同时是许多知名平面媒体的专栏作家, 出版过一些以科普和反学术腐败等为题材的著作。由于在评判时的双重标准、话语霸权以及无端构陷,加上报复心强烈,方舟子本人和他的言论在社会上引起极大争议,并被怀疑部分行为有商业目的。


方舟子的媳妇叫做刘菊花,曾经在中青报、新华社当过记者。网络上对于刘菊花的评价很低,甚至有人说她没读过大学,是“隔着锅台跳上灶”, 被保送进中国社会科学院读硕的。2001年7月28日,方舟子在“新语丝”网站上推出《中青报》子报《青年时报》见习记者刘菊花的 8000字“处女报道作”《网络奇才方舟子》,并冠以“中国青年报记者”。此举,引起了公众的反感。









发表于 2019-6-3 16:09:47 | 显示全部楼层


据公开资料,赵强,19757月出生,中共党员,博士研究生,高级编辑。 20017月至 20045月,任中宣部新闻局干部、主任科员;20045月至20144月,任求是杂志社编辑、副编审、办公室秘书处处长、外事办公室主任、办公室副主任;20144月,任人民日报社新闻协调部主任编辑;20152月至今,任《环球时报》社副总编辑。


发表于 2019-7-10 23:16:36 | 显示全部楼层
今天,深圳各大主流媒体均以显著位置刊发、推送长篇通讯《深圳三大国有文化集团不断深化改革》,这篇文章以“改出新格局 、创出新活力”为着眼点,复盘了深圳报业、广电、出版三大国有文化集团近年来的改革风云和转型成就。信息量很大,许多数据为首次披露。
深圳出版集团 “全民阅读APP”吸引近120万读者加入“全民阅读计划”,“掌上书城APP”实现四大书城阅读文化资源的线上整合。深圳连续三年获得“全国十大数字阅读城市”称号,在去年的“全国十大数字阅读城市”评选中排名第一。

发表于 2019-7-12 21:41:10 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2019-7-13 22:41:33 | 显示全部楼层
新京报快讯 据百度官方微博消息,针对公众质疑百度账号“章子欣父亲发文为假”一事,百度新闻紧急启动了内部调查流程,现将进一步调查结果公布如下:


发表于 2019-8-3 17:00:38 | 显示全部楼层



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