这一节将通过对朱学勤先生赖以成名的博士论文《道德理想国的覆灭》与美国学者Carol Blum的著作《卢梭与德性共和国》 (Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue)(Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press,1986)部分内容的对勘,指出其在未经注明的情况下,大量或明或暗,或隐或显地抄袭、盗用后者的事实。
In his celebrated letter to Voltaire, he put forth his objections to the anti-Providentialism of the “Poeme sur le desastre de Lisbonne”. “It is inhuman to trouble peaceful souls, and to distress men to no purpose, when what one is teaching them is neither certain nor useful.”(4:1075)
这句话的法文原文为:“l y a de l’inhumanité à troubler des ames paisibles & à désoler les hommes à pure perte, quand ce qu’on veut leur apprendre n’est ni certain ni utile.”
英法文合参,再清楚不过,朱书的译文只可能是从英文转译的。因为“使得人们无目标而烦恼痛苦”实际上是一个错误的翻译,而这个错误就基于“to distress men to no purpose”的英文译文,朱学勤对“to no purpose”的理解是错误的,将“毫无目的地折磨人”当成了“使得人们无目标”。而如果朱学勤真的看过法文的话,对“à pure perte”(白白地,徒然)无论怎么理解,也不可能翻出“无目标”来。
“Do you wish the general will to be accomplished? Make all the private wills connect to it; and since virtue is nothing but the conformity of the private will to the general, to say the same thing in a word, make virtue reign. (3:252)
He(狄德罗)had replaced a morality of intention and sensibility with one based solely on socially useful action : “It is not the thoughts, it is the acts which distinguish the good man from the wicked one. The secret story of all souls is about the same.”[2]
[2]Diderot, Correspondence, ed. G. Roth and Jean Varloot (Paris: Minuit, 1955-70), 11:149.
事实上,朱书在此不仅是将转引变成了直接引用并掩饰了引文实际出处,他还窃取了Blum自己的研究成果,放到自己的论述里:在同一页上,Blum有一个脚注说,她曾在另一本书中研究过德性问题。结论是“Diderot gradually substituted a morality of socially useful action for one based on subjective sensations of goodness; a system of value which both men had shared in their youth and to which Rousseau remained faithful.”这显然是朱学勤“狄德罗青年时代与卢梭一度有过共识……”一段话的依据,但对此没有丝毫说明。
In his youth, some 25 years before, when he was living as the protégé of Mme de Warrens, his masturbation had been so obvious that she, alarmed at his habits, took him to her bad. He reacted to this change in their relationship “with an invincible sadness which poisoned the charm”(1:197). His autobiographical writings place the origins of the problem of whether it was better to masturbate or to enter into a real affair with a woman during those years. It was at this time, probably around 1729, while he was living at the home of Mme de Warrens, that Rousseau wrote his first play: Narcisse.